Terms of Service

This Ignite Review’s Terms of Service statement for Consumers is designed and updated to outline the guidelines for using Ignite Review's open online review platform. This section clarifies the terminology used in the Ignite Review’s agreement, distinguishing between "you" (the individual and the business entity) and "Ignite Review" (the service provider), as well as defining the term "affiliate." The platform's objective is to foster trust and collaboration between businesses and consumers through transparency.

Terms of Service for Individuals Posting Reviews

These terms encompass various policies, including the Privacy Policy, Guidelines for Reviewers, and other policies available on legal. Ignite Review.com. Users, when accessing and using Ignite Review, agree to adhere to these terms, which govern their rights and obligations.

To access Ignite Review, users must agree to these terms either by using the platform or by providing affirmative consent. Ignite Review and the user both have responsibilities under these terms, including the protection of confidential information. Users must follow specific guidelines when using the platform, ensuring they are over 18 and comply with Ignite Review's rules. They are also responsible for their account's security, and we at Ignite Review also strictly prohibit misuse.

Ignite Review owns the platform and its design, excluding content owned by others, such as reviews. Users are not allowed to use Ignite Review's brand or content without authorization. Users are responsible for their user-generated content and grant Ignite Review a license to use it. Ignite Review may use feedback provided by users without restrictions.
Our terms for the Ignite Review’s procedures for problem resolution emphasize that most concerns can be addressed through contact with Ignite Review. In cases where issues persist, claims are to be brought to the jurisdictions.

In case there are any changes to the terms, updates to the platform, and events beyond Ignite Review's control. Users can contact Ignite Review through the support team. Communication and notices must be in English, and any translations are for convenience only. Any unenforceable parts of the terms will be disregarded, and the remainder will remain in effect.

We have outlined the governing law and jurisdiction like U.S. state data protection laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act and the Texas Consumer Data Privacy Act and based on the user's location, with exceptions for consumer laws. These terms are essential to understanding the relationship between users and Ignite Review when using the platform.

Terms of Service for Businesses Posting Reviews

Terms related to Platform and Services: Ignite Review’s platform is described as a review platform hosted on Ignite Review.com, offering various services, including free plans and paid subscriptions. It notes that compatibility with users' browsers and setups is not guaranteed and that third-party products are not included. We have allowed businesses to create their account to allow their customers to post reviews for them.

  • Partnership: Ignite Review services are designed to offer you partnership via accessibility to the authorized partners but emphasise that partners are independent entities with no authority to make commitments on Ignite Review’s behalf.
  • Domains: Users are required to have ownership or exclusive rights to operate domains used with Ignite Review services, and they must accept the terms for those domains.
  • Sending Invitations: Users are responsible for ensuring that review invitations sent through Ignite Review meet legal and regulatory requirements, particularly regarding privacy laws and consent in various countries.
  • Business Account: Ignite Reviews has also specified that user responsibilities for managing and controlling their business account, including granting access to authorized users and keeping information up to date.
  • User Roles and Access: Users are reminded of their liability for authorized users' actions and the importance of ensuring that authorized users understand their obligations under the terms and guidelines.
  • Key Responsibilities: Users are instructed to use Ignite Review services only for lawful business purposes and in line with the terms and guidelines.
  • Guidelines: Ignite Review’s guidelines must be followed when using its services, with the understanding that they can be updated without additional user consent.
  • Ownership: Ignite Review owns the content it provides, including intellectual property rights, and users are not permitted to copy, modify, or use Ignite Review’s brand marks without authorization.
  • User-Generated Content: Ignite Review retains the right to use user-generated content, created by users or consumers, without restriction, unless the content violates guidelines or is removed by its author.
  • Feedback: Users are encouraged to provide feedback; which Ignite Review may use without restrictions.
  • Ignite Review Labs or Beta Services: Users are informed that using experimental services like beta versions is done at their own risk.
  • Problems and Support: Information on accessing support is provided for users encountering issues with Ignite Review’s services.
  • Impartiality: Users are reminded that Ignite Review’s services do not constitute endorsements, partnerships, or recommendations, and they should refrain from marketing themselves as such.
  • Display of Names, Logos, and Reviews: Ignite Review is granted the right to display business names and logos, and users can use reviews and Ignite Review branding as long as they adhere to guidelines.
  • Don'ts: Our users must avoid some actions when using Ignite Review services, including actions that could compromise security, integrity, or functionality, as well as violations of guidelines and terms.
  • Termination and Suspension: This portion clarifies the circumstances under which users or Ignite Review can end or temporarily halt subscriptions and access to Ignite Review services. It delineates the steps involved in ending these arrangements and the resulting implications, which may encompass potential reimbursements.
  • Liability and Indemnification: These segments encompass the disclaimer of guarantees, restrictions on liability, and obligations for indemnification. Users are reiteratively informed about the exceptions in liability for particular types of losses and the obligations associated with user behaviour and third-party claims.
  • Dispute Resolution: This section outlines the procedures for resolving disputes, emphasizing that the majority of concerns can be resolved by reaching out to Ignite Review's support. Additionally, it specifies the jurisdiction where claims should be filed.
  • Essential Administrative Details: These concluding sections consist of various provisions, including the absence of professional advice, potential modifications to terms and services, the handling of external events beyond control, communication protocols, account suspension, and the transfer of rights and obligations. They also address the continuation of specific provisions following termination, the comprehensive agreement clause, the language used for communication, and the enforcement of terms.